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Attending the Forrester event in Singapore was a truly insightful experience, offering fresh perspectives on how today’s B2B landscape is evolving. The discussions centered on the need for sellers and marketers to adapt to a fast-changing buyer environment, and how platform like Unlead.ai can empower teams to meet these new demands effectively.

Here’s a breakdown of the key learnings and how Unlead.ai can help organizations adapt to these trends:

1. 71% of Buyers Are Under Age 45: Why Buyer Age & Persona Matter

One of the most striking insights was that 71% of B2B buyers today are under the age of 45. This younger demographic has different expectations, behaviors, and preferences compared to older generations. They want quick, personalized, and engaging interactions—often preferring videos and personalized content over lengthy emails or phone calls.

Why it’s important:

• Younger buyers are digitally savvy and expect more personalized, dynamic interactions.

• Their decision-making process is influenced by digital touchpoints, often involving engaging content that resonates with their specific needs.

How Unlead.ai can help:

Persona AI: Unlead.ai’s Persona AI enables sellers to create personalized video content based on specific buyer personas. By understanding the preferences and behaviors of younger buyers, marketers can tailor messaging and videos that drive better engagement.

Video AI: Use Unlead.ai to create videos that appeal directly to these buyers, addressing their pain points and delivering the information they seek in a format they love.

2. 14 People Involved in a Purchase Decision: The Need for ABM & Value Selling

The discussion also highlighted that today, on average, 14 stakeholders are involved in making a purchase decision. This emphasizes the importance of Account-Based Marketing (ABM), where sellers engage all members of a buying committee, each with their own unique priorities and concerns.

Why it’s important:

• Each member of the buying group requires a different approach, tailored messaging, and personalized value propositions.

• Sellers need to ensure that every interaction with each decision-maker is meaningful and aligned with their role in the buying process.

How Unlead.ai can help:

ABM Integration: Unlead.ai’s platform enables sellers to craft personalized videos and emails for each decision-maker in an account. By tailoring content to different stakeholders, sellers can demonstrate value more effectively and resonate with each buyer’s specific role and challenges.

Value Selling with Videos: Create customized videos that explain how your solution solves problems for different parts of the organization, from finance to operations, to IT, ensuring that every voice in the decision process is engaged.

3. Breaking Silos: Collaboration Across Sales, Marketing, & Customer Success

A major theme of the event was the need for organizations to break down silos and ensure seamless collaboration between sales, marketing, and customer success. Without this alignment, opportunities are lost, and customer journeys become fragmented.

Why it’s important:

• Collaboration between teams ensures that messaging is consistent across touchpoints.

• Teams can work together to better understand buyer behavior and deliver the right content at the right time, from marketing engagement to post-sale success.

How Unlead.ai can help:

Unified Dashboard: Unlead.ai’s dashboard brings all teams together by providing a centralized platform where sales, marketing, and customer success can collaborate. Teams can generate content, analyze buyer engagement, and track buyer scoring—all in one place.

Contextual Next Steps: With a shared view of buyer interactions, Unlead.ai helps teams coordinate their efforts, ensuring that the next step in a buyer’s journey is always contextual and personalized.

4. 19 Touch Points for a Sale: Leveraging Video & Email for Better Engagement

Forrester shared that it takes 19 touchpoints to complete a sale, and around 70% of these are driven by email or messaging interactions. This statistic reinforces the importance of consistent, value-driven engagement.

Why it’s important:

• With so many touchpoints needed, sellers need to make every interaction count.

• Sending out the same generic content won’t suffice—each message needs to be personalized and offer value to keep the buyer engaged throughout the sales cycle.

How Unlead.ai can help:

Automated Video Campaigns: Unlead.ai allows sellers to automate personalized video campaigns, helping them stay top-of-mind through each touchpoint while delivering meaningful, tailored content.

Adopt Value Selling: Use Unlead.ai’s Video AI to focus on value-based selling—whether it’s through explainer videos, customer testimonials, or product demos, sellers can offer tailored insights at each stage of the buyer’s journey.

5. Summary: Unlead.ai in Context to the Key Learnings

At the core of these insights is the understanding that today’s buyers expect personalization, value-driven content, and seamless interactions. To summarize:

Unlead.ai empowers sellers to engage younger buyers through AI-generated personalized videos and contextual messaging.

• By supporting ABM strategies, Unlead.ai helps teams communicate value to every stakeholder involved in the decision-making process.

• The unified dashboard facilitates collaboration across marketing, sales, and customer success, ensuring consistency and effectiveness in every buyer interaction.

• Unlead.ai’s platform helps sellers deliver 19+ personalized touchpoints, leveraging video and email for maximum impact.

The future of B2B selling is here, and it’s all about personalized, value-driven engagement. Unlead.ai is ready to help organizations succeed in this new landscape.

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